

Design & Facilitation

Unique Offerings



Coaching, whether with individuals or groups, is a creative process that fosters accountability. Clients learn how to find and apply new solutions, which correspond to their needs.

Who is coaching for?

Whether executives, managers or professionals going through transitions, our clients know when they’re facing adversity: they recognize the physical or emotional symptoms, and they’re frustrated by events where they have little or no control. When actions fail to achieve the desired outcomes, coaching is invaluable.

How we coach

Our clients are compelled through coaching to stop and reflect. With our guidance, they recognize behavioural patterns, qualify relationships, and measure their performance in order to catalyze deeper change.

Positive change comes when clients grow their willingness to practice:

  • Introspection: practice self-reflection and gain perspective
  • Humility: recognize personal strengths and limitations, accomplishments and shortfalls, successes and failures
  • Curiosity: explore alternative approaches, tools and opportunities to mind re-setting
  • Courage: implement those new tools and seize those new opportunities to practice changes


Co-learning is a dynamic approach, inspired by co-development, which invites small groups from the same management level to explore a variety of pressing topics that emerge in each session.

This learning experience allows participants, generally managers, to share and discuss their managerial challenges with their colleagues who play the role of consultant-coaches to explore possible solutions. The facilitator empowers participants to develop their own capacity as a group to solve problems, and participants actively help address needs, gain clarity and recognize resources available to make progress.

A typical Co-Learning engagement involves:

  • 6 half-days + multiple sessions over 3-12 month period
  • Same group of 6-12 participants
  • An emergent process, to build a multitude of skills and capacities over time as directed by the participants, with a strong focus on collaboration and peer accountability


Design is the intentional, clear and focused structure, which ensures groups reach decisions, accomplish goals and experience deep and transformational learning.

At Management Savvy, we leverage our breadth of multi-disciplinary competencies and expertise in experiential learning to design learning tools, processes and curriculums. We design workshops, retreats, conferences, organizational initiatives and developmental programs. Whether you’re looking to build leadership skills, accelerate decision making, navigate complexity or instill contagious accountability, our designs ensure learning sticks.

Facilitation is all about process – the HOW. While the facilitator’s responsibility is to guide and enable a group to achieve their own agreed purpose, the members of the group are responsible for the content – the WHAT.

Based on our client’s specific intention (the why) and desired outcomes (the what), we design and facilitate personalized experiential workshops, meetings, retreats, dialogues and programs, which help our clients flourish. The themes of these facilitations vary, and include, but are not limited to: fostering new habits and behaviours, carrying out specific tasks and reaching goals, or understanding something at a deeper level. Through these experiences, participants come to value and develop their own expertise, creativity and skills.


Liberating Structures Immersion Workshops

Liberating Structures (LS) introduces tiny shifts in the way we meet, plan, decide, and relate to one another. They put the innovative power once reserved for experts only in the hands of everyone.

Unwittingly, the conventional structures used to organize how people routinely work together stifle inclusion, engagement, and risk-taking while boosting resistance to change. Conventional structures are either too inhibiting (presentations, status reports and managed discussions) or too loose and disorganized (open discussions and brainstorms) to creatively engage people in authoring their own future. They frequently generate feelings of frustration and/or exclusion and fail to provide space for risk- taking or good ideas to emerge and germinate. This means that huge amounts of time and money are spent working the wrong way. More time and money are then spent trying to fix the unintended consequences.

We provide private and public Liberating Structures immersion workshops where participants are exposed to and play with 33+ Liberating Structures – simple methods that change the way results are generated. By design, Liberating Structures distributes control so that participants can shape direction as the action unfolds. Inspired by complexity science and developed by Henri Lipmanowicz and Keith McCandless, LS helps you address some of the most challenging aspects of working together while supporting human development.

Kaospilot Masterclass: The Art & Craft of Designing and Facilitating Learning Spaces

The KAOSPILOT, the alternative leadership & business school’s 3-day Masterclass for educators and trainers explores experiential ways of learning in order to inspire and facilitate creativity, innovation and risk in learning spaces and education.

The course is aimed towards program designers, educators, trainers, edu-preneurs and professionals who are impacting the learning of others. The Art and Craft of Designing & Facilitating Learning Spaces Masterclass will introduce, explore and train participants in experiential learning and teaching and the art of facilitation and curating the pursuit of knowledge through learning processes, strategies, increased engagement and safe learning spaces.

BusinessWeek has recognized The Kaospilots as “one of the best design schools in the world”, and Fast Company has named it in its Startup League’s Big 10, “preparing you for the fast moving startup economy”.

Insight Strategic Levers

Insight Strategic Levers is a corporate wellness program built on a strong neuroscience foundation that combines cutting-edge management tools with the science and practice of mindfulness. The program comprises a series of experiential workshops, à-la-carte, each one focusing on one strategic area of workplace effectiveness:
  • Planning and prioritization: How to craft an efficient plan with clear priorities at different time scales; how to manage multiple concurrent tasks avoiding the traps of multitasking and action addiction; how to handle emails and other sources of information overload.
  • Managing mental stress: Identifying the system-level sources of stress and how to mitigate them; learning to observe our mind and how to restructure our relationship with our own thoughts for maximum efficiency; how to recharge mental energy; how to turn potentially challenging situation into opportunities by leveraging mental reframing and mental preparation techniques.
  • Managing physical stress: Identifying the sources of physical strain; how to reduce physical pain and increase mobility at work; how to increase mental clarity by optimizing breathing and nutrition; how to control the stress reaction in the body by leveraging relaxation; how to improve sleep.
  • Interpersonal and communication skills: Recognizing and preparing for crucial conversations; how to build safety; how to uncover and explore assumptions hidden in interpersonal communication; how to give feedback; how to communicate assertively and say no when needed; how to effectively communicate via email and other digital means.
Each of the four workshops is designed as a stand-alone training, and can be offered independently on the others. In the concise frame of 2 hours, each workshop provides participants the opportunity to learn and put immediately into practice compelling tactics in that domain. Each workshop combines individual work, group work, mindfulness and reflective practices, all grounded in fundamental notions of brain and body physiology. The 2-hr session leaves participants with a clear and customized plan of action.

Insight Journey

Insight Journey is a comprehensive, in-depth 12-week program that covers all the theoretical and tactical aspects of incorporating mindfulness into the everyday life of the modern workplace.

The program is designed as a journey, with each session building on the previous ones, for a cohort of maximum 15 participants that goes through the process together from beginning to end. The program tackles the four key areas of workplace effectiveness covered in Strategic Levers. The four areas are weaved together over the course of the 12 weeks of training, maximizing the connections between topics and providing a host of additional resources and support in-between the four strategic sessions.

The continuity of the process, and the fact that participants learn and practice together throughout a period of 3 months ensures a deep-impact experience and long lasting shifts in mindsets and habits.

Insight Conscious Breaks

Insight Conscious Breaks are restorative and energizing breathers in the middle of your day at work, to refocus the mind, mobilize the whole body, let go of physical and emotional tension, reconnect with a sense of vitality and enthusiasm.

Conscious Breaks are designed as a series of 20-min mind-body guided practices, offered one after the other for a total duration of 2 consecutive hours. On the days where Conscious Breaks are offered, employees can join any number of practices, thus taking advantage of 20, 40, 60, 80 or 120 minutes of deeply restorative activity. The flexible format allows a large number of people to find the right moment in their schedule to take advantage of this opportunity.

Each 20-min practice is focused on either refocusing the mind through mindfulness, bringing vitality to the body through yoga, or energizing the brain and body through specialized breathing techniques. Conscious breaks are typically offered during lunch break, once every two weeks, for a total of 8 sessions over a period of four months. Alternative formats can be arranged to suit the specific needs of your organization.


The HBDI is a quick, easy-to-take survey that registers and interprets your thinking preferences. For some, taking the HBDI suddenly identifies a lifetime pattern of personal and professional choices. For others, it sends signals as to which area of interpersonal growth cries out for development.

The Foundation: Explore Self First
To get started, all you have to do is assess your own thinking style to determine which of the four quadrants of the brain with which you’re most comfortable thinking by completing the Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument (HBDI). Coaching is more impactful when clients have their HBDI results. It accelerates the process and rapidly identifies the area of development.

Learning to use your Whole Brain® and not just the parts with which you’re most comfortable can put you on a path to improved self-awareness, self-esteem and career success.

The Application: Then Explore Others
Applying Whole Brain Thinking™ to pair and group of 4 or more people addressing team issues for improved performance. Specific pair/group objectives are addressed (e.g., communication, team building, conflict resolution, decision-making process) through workshops, consulting and tailored products with the goal of helping people learn to think with their whole brains, not just with the parts with which they feel most comfortable.


